Electrosmog Radiation
Electromagnetic fields in English, EMF for short. There is both natural and unnatural EMF. Unnatural EMF/ comes from Wi-Fi and mobile networks (3G, 4G and 5G), transmission towers and high-voltage pylons, among others, and is popularly referred to as “electrosmog” or “radiation”. Over the past 20 years, the body has experienced an enormous increase in electrosmog, both in quantity and strength.
Contrary to unnatural radiation (electrosmog), natural radiation has been part of nature since the beginning of time.
Research conducted by NASA shows that every planet or star in the cosmos has a unique characteristic radiation field consisting of different frequencies. NASA has demonstrated this by converting this natural radiation into audible frequencies. In the video below you can hear the frequencies of the planets.
Various studies show that natural radiation contains both positive (harmonic) and negative (non-harmonic) radiation. But like everything else in nature, these are in balance with each other. As a result, natural radiation has no negative impact on human health.
But like everything else in nature, these are in balance with each other. As a result, natural radiation has no negative impact on human health.

The impact of unnatural radiation (electrosmog) on the human body is evaluated by the authorities (government and decision-makers) based on an increase in body temperature. Electrosmog causes heat, which can raise the body temperature. The authorities consider a local temperature rise that does not exceed 1 degrees Celsius to be safe for humans. So if you keep your mobile phone half a cm from the ear while making a call and the temperature of your cells in your ear does not rise more than 1 degrees Celsius, then calling with a mobile phone is healthy according to the EU guidelines. Underfloor heating or the sun would be declared unhealthy in this way. It does not look at any other biological changes in the body that may be caused by electrosmog.
Professor Dr. Martin Pall, emeritus professor of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, has conducted many studies on this topic. He discovered several neurological disorders related to non-harmonic radiation, including sleep disturbances, headache, fatigue, symptoms of depression, restlessness, and stress (Prof. M. Pall, Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 2016). Electrosmog, the electromagnetic fields created by humans, causes a significant imbalance in the natural electromagnetic field of the human body. This has a negative effect on people. More than 30 studies have demonstrated this impact of unnatural electrosmog.
“Scientists warn of the potentially serious health effects of 5G”
In a call to the European Union, more than 180 scientists and doctors from 36 countries warn of the danger of 5G. Rolling out a 5G network leads to a huge increase in involuntary exposure to unnatural radiation, according to scientists. One of the initiators is Dr. L. Hardell, professor of oncology at Örebro University in Sweden. He explains, “The telecommunications industry is trying to market technology that can have very real unwanted and harmful effects on people’s health. Scientific studies, both recent and long-term, have identified adverse health effects when testing wireless products under realistic conditions. We are very concerned that the increase in radiation exposure of 5G will lead to irreversible damage.”

Order your ray safe card

The volume of the body consists of approx. 90% water and is approx. 75% water by weight. This body water is naturally structured hexagonally. This means that the water molecules in the body (in a healthy state) mainly occur in hexagonal structured shapes. This shape is created by the attraction of the different polarity atoms. A water molecule is a dipole and therefore resembles a magnet with a plus and minus pole. In a natural situation, this structured body water offers a protective vest against radiation. Natural radiation from the sun, cosmos, and earth supports and strengthens this protective function.
Harmoniously structured connections form a network in our body through which all tissues and cells come into contact and can communicate with each other. When these connections are disrupted, the tissues and cells in our body become ‘out of communication’. Under the influence of natural radiation, the structure of water molecules remains the same, but under strong unnatural and non-harmonic radiation, the structure of the water molecule is increasingly disrupted. As a result, the body loses its natural protection. One suffers from possible harmful effects as previously described. Body water does not naturally consist of loose, unstructured water molecules. The RAY SAFE Card neutralizes the potential effects of the electrosmog, giving the body the opportunity to restore its protective water vest against radiation.